Contemplative music/photogrpahy


Hi- I am currently reading Contemplative Photography and it is resonating with me deeply. I have just begun my journey into the color assignment and am seeing the world of color in a fresh way. I can't thank you enough for approaching photography from the viewpoint of 'perception' as opposed to 'conception'. Forgive me if I have oversimplified your vision but that is how I am interpreting it. I am also a musician and have begun to transfer these concepts to music. Music can be quite complicated so I think it's harder be fresh and still write compelling music. Any thoughts about how contemplative music writing could occur? Dave, Virginia


I was visiting a friend who is a composer recently, and we talked about this very topic. To greatly simplify what he said, the way he teaches musical composition is that you write the first couple of measures, and then wait for the music to come to you. The music arises from space in much the same way that flashes of perception arise from space. That way you don't get lost in the complexity of concept.

— Andy