Will you accept images to a gallery with some post processing?


Currently, I make images with a non-DSLR camera. As the image quality is weak, (does not do well in low light, does not have the same sharpness or color saturation as a DSLR does), I do some post processing in Photoshop Elements to enhance my images so that they look more like what I actually saw. For example, I often do a Levels adjustment. It seems like not that different a process than what is done to process RAW images, and some of what is discussed in Chapter 15. But my camera shoots only in jpegs. Will photos which have some photoshop processing (but not unnatural manipulation of the images) be accepted in the galleries, or is it required that we submit only the original untouched jpeg images? I have read and so enjoyed "The Practice of Contemplative Photography". Thank you for your teachings. I am doing the exercises, and I am a long time mindfulness meditation practioner and teacher, so this pathway with photography feels wonderful.



Thank you for the good, clear question. There is no problem with post-processing your images to make them look more like your perceptions. Adjusting the levels of both RAW and JPEG files is often necessary to take advantage of the full range of brightnesses that can be displayed on a computer or printed.

Thanks also for the kind words about the book.