Q&A With the Authors

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Recent Questions and Answers:

Flash moments at Night


Do you count "flash moments at night created by artificial lighting" as contemplative? A large part of our lives are illuminated by artificial lights, and I have found "moments" -- usually shadows or reflections -- in dimly-lit parking lots or on buildings. With high ISO capabilities of digital cameras, I have captured what I saw without using additional flash or strobe light. However, some argued that it is not contemplative if the moment was not lit by natural lighting, as in most of the pictures in your book. Is there such a day and night distinction of mindfulness?


If the perception is genuine, and the photographic expression of the perception honestly conveys what you saw, it will be good contemplative photography. There's no reason that can't happen in low light situations, or under artificial light. 



where can I view the comments given on my photos?


I'm afraid there is no easy way to do that right now in the user slide show. You will need to look at each image in the detail view to see if there are comments.