Q&A With the Authors

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Recent Questions and Answers:

Lines and Patterns


I noticed your book did not include assignments on lines nor on patterns. Are these elements you would suggest doing assignments on as well or did you feel that they fell under some other categories already or were less important? Thanks for answering questions in the past. I have been doing photography as a hobby for 40 years and your book has given me a fresh outlook on the way we see things.


This is interesting. You could make up assignments using lines and patterns, but these seem to be less basic elements of form than those that we use. You should try them out and see how they work.The essential point of the assignments is that whatever the assignment is, it triggers seeing, rather than thinking.

Simplicity vs Seeing Space


I am enjoying reading your book and doing the assignments. I have some difficulty understanding Simplicity vs Seeing Space. They seem the same and when I look at the sample images it seems that the photos often could go for either one.


This is a very good question. You are right that several of the examples in the book could be used for either assignment.
The basic difference between the two assignments is that Simplicity emphasizes the object, and in Seeing Space, the emphasis is on the space itself. Seeing Space is more subtle, because we are so used to looking at objects.